Here's some cute pics I took last week. Lately his big thing is staying up until 2:30am to see Daddy get home. Only happened a few times, I've been able to get him to bed earlier since. Once Daddy got home, he was just beaming and gave him a big hug. It was so cute. He really looks forward to spending time with him. He'll go looking for Daddy occasionally throughout the day. Though he seems to know his schedule better now. He just gets a bit confused with Dad being home over the weekend!

Dawson found a new spot to be the other day. He thinks it's pretty cool!

He was standing on the couch laughing the other night. Not sure about what, but he thought something was pretty funny. Then he decided to pose for the camera!

Getting into trouble! He knows he shouldn't touch the lamp, thus the funny look on his face! He thinks he's getting away with it too!